Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Question

I have been asked to formulate one question for Professor Medel as the semester and the Special Topics class: Public Relations & Social Media, comes to a close.

So here it is - Is the desire for recognition or connection the driving force behind the use of social media?

Best to you and yours in the New Year!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Is Monsieur Breton right?"

Hey - who knew I wasn't the only one spending an outrageous amount of time on email each and everyday I am at work.  I can't stand it some days! It is a huge waste of my time to get included in a group email that has nothing to do with me or the work I do.  Yeah - my frustration grows in direct proportion to the amount of unnecessary internal emails I get each day.
Recently I was out of work for 5 weeks due to reconstructive surgery on my elbow.  Even with the "out of office assistant" on I had over 600 emails to deal with on my return and at least 50% were internal emails that had nothing to do with me.  Just hurt me, somebody - anybody.  I bet if those people who are so quick to just send a blanket email had to post to a site or text they would be more specific and targeted in their approach. 
I always use texting with my employees whenever possible. It is quick and easy.  Yes, quick, easy, and to the point.  So when I followed the link  I was relieved to see others feel the same way I do; there must be a better way to communicate in the work place.
A spokeswoman for the company said Atos is evaluating a number of new tools to replace internal email including collaborative and social media tools. Those include the Atos Wiki, which allows all employees to communicate by contributing or modifying online content, and Office Communicator, the company’s online chat system which allows video conferencing, and file and application sharing.

What is Office Communicator?
You're probably familiar with online chat. In its simplest form, it means sending text messages back and forth with another person across a local network or the Internet. The chat concept has grown to cover a range of capabilities that falls under the umbrella of instant messaging. These capabilities are as diverse as text chat and video conferencing. Now Microsoft has added file sharing, application sharing, and IP telephony (Voice over IP, or VoIP).

Never, ever, rule Microsoft out. In ten years I believe they will still be working to meet our work place needs.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thanksgiving 2011 Hunt for the Buzz

Hey - good to be back! I hope your Thanksgiving was a pleasure for you and yours.  I ate well and have not one, but two plates made for me by loving friends.  They sure came in handy during the end of the semester demands.

So, the assignment is to find a great Thanksgiving campaign that uses social media.  At first I went to multiple retail websites and facebook pages and twitter tweets to find a great example of social media in action.  I found some good examples but nothing stellar - it all seemed, well, one dimensional.

So, I decided to see if I could find an example through my own social media connections, i.e. facebook and twitter.  And....I did.  I thought wow this is great. A friend of mine had posted a contest just 2 days before on her facebook page and it was right there on my page. Wow again - this is great!
Social Media in action! A contest! I could win something! Yeah!

So I followed the link and ......see below.

                 Sorry there are no active giveaways.

                          Please check back later.

Now I know we were asked to find a successful social media campaign but I think this example of how social media can go wrong and do more to annoy a consumer than to please them is important to address.  I was excited to enter the contest. I would be thrilled to win a new car. I love my Corolla but........

I might have understood if the post was a week or so old but....not really.  With social media you are counting on people retweeting your tweets or facebook postings going viral.  That's the point - right? 

I would say it is better to have somewhat smaller prizes without a lapse in the contest(s) than to have a "sorry there are no active giveaways". I think I am like many other people who don't like to be disappointed twice. 

Burn me once shame on you.  Burn me twice shame on me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Oracle Blogger and her Visions of the Future

 Post #6 - The Oracle Blogger and her Visions of the Future

If I look back at the last 10 years of communications advancements and I add in the rate of exceleration over the past 10 years and the "speed of light" comes to mind.  Add to that thought the one of AI and the current breakthrough in hologram imagery and the new understandings of gravity and "beam me up Scottie" seems just a step away.
Scottie will come in your choice point, yes there is one, is: there will be an intersection of what I know as Sci-fi and what we will call forms of communication.

No fuel tonight - just a dogged determination to start the work week, the short work week, with just 3 agenda items that are important and need to be done asap.

If Social Media is to connect people, places and things plus move them to take an intended action   then what better to plead a cause or evoke an emotional response than a 3 dimensional image.
When you want to feel close to a person isn't 3D better than 2D?  Film is here to stay though, in one form or another, it will be a medium of choice for some artists. I mean that literally.
Unless the Arts are pushed underground by some fanatic we will never lose sight of black and white photos and film.

We will see a keeping of the most classic forms and foundations of connecting with one another; the theater, the ballet, the opera, the pub, the coffee house, neighbor to neighbor, door to door will always be. No matter what. Dance and Song and Story Telling will always live on.

And likewise those who are "touched" and see have always been and will always be. No matter what. Creativity will live on.

Some forms of Social Media can come in the form of a letter from a loved one asking for a call to action. It can even come in the form of a card in the mail.I know I don't want to lose the ability to send or receive a nice card in the mail. You know we don't have anyone but ourselves to blame for the Post Office going under.

Oh, hey wait, I'm starting to channel Andy Rooney.  It is just now midnight - no joke - Peace Out.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Social Media Application Dream

Ok, Wow, I'm back on the grid and feeling pretty squeezed by the time lost due to the snowstorm and the ensuing chaos. And, I didn't even lose power - no hating please. No, I didn't lose power but most of the people in my study group and my clients at work did. Crazy crazy chaos for so many people.

But, I'm back and thinking pretty large due to the question of the week and my late night caffeine and cookies,  Yes, cookies. I would tell you exactly which cookies I eat at Starbucks but you might cut into my supply when I desperately need a cookie or two.  Sorry - again, no hating please.

If I could invent a Social Media App what would it be?

My first thought went to the work I do in the field of preventing sexual assault and providing the statewide and national crisis hot line numbers to sexual assault victims for immediate assistance.
Hum, I thought. That feels like I'm going in the right direction but.......

Yes, of course, raising awareness of services for those sexually assaulted and their loved ones is important but......

The 64,000 dollar question in this field is how to prevent sexual violence in the first place.  Hum indeed.

In one of my parallel lives I am an Angelic, Kundalini, and Usui Reiki Master and Teacher and have been for more than 10 years.  A large part of my work has been with trauma survivors and those that support them in their healing.

As part of this path I trained with Jennifer Reis of the Kripalu Yoga and Retreat Center in Lenox, Massachusetts -, in Yoga Nidra. From Jennifer's site: " Nidra has the power to transform us at our core".  Also from her site: "What a fantastic experience! The space that Jennifer creates and holds for others created a safe and amazing heart opening experience". — Meg
I know Jennifer to be sublime and completely committed to her heart's mission.  Damn good yoga teacher too.

Yoga Nidra is a practice that is thousands of years old. It is a blessing to experience Yoga Nidra, a path to personal healing and enlightenment.  The practice is too vast for today's blog but the book, Yoga Nidra, by Swami Satyanada Saraswati, Bihar lays an amazing foundation for a better understanding of Yoga Nidra and its multitude of benefits. Yoga Nidra is a jewel full of jewels.

My app would provide a 5, 10, 15, and 30 minute guided Yoga Nidra meditation.  Imagine, when you feel stressed you touch the app and settle in for some Yoga Nidra.  Your child is stressed so you touch on the Yoga Nidra app. You want to have a regular Yoga Nidra practice but your life is so busy you don't have time to find the time to even start your practice. Touch Touch Bliss Bliss

The Dali Lama has said, " without Inner Peace there can be no world Peace.

Bliss Bliss Shanti Shanti

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post #4 - the Millennium Quiz

Blog entry #4
Welcome and thank you, thank you for returning to my blog. If you have recently become a follower let me say, thank you, thank you again.  I look to have 50+ followers by the end of this semester and so encourage you to pressure and coercive friends and family to….no, no, sorry sorry that was my pre pre-refuge taking self talking out loud.  He he
Here we go – new location same excitement better pastries. Yes, Starbucks has its conveniences, yes, I can get my coffee “made just the way I like it”, and yes, they know my name.                           It’s ok - I own it.                                                                                                                                                 But at least my world doesn’t “run on dunkin”.
But, viola, there is more to the world!                                                                                                           For wonderful patisseries and café drinks you just have go to La Petite France in West Hartford Center.   Yum yum yum – la petite raison, mini almond and chocolate croissants, éclairs, napoleons, and great fruit tarts.  My favorite is the pear and almond paste tart with, of course, a rich smooth delicious Café Americano. I’m on my second but it is a Sunday afternoon and a treat to be here.        Seriously, no trick.                                                                                                                                              Ok, I’m cutting myself off for making a pun post.
Ok, again, new paradigm – I see Social Media as having the capacity to have a life of its own; if you see value in what I am sharing you will share it with others. Right?
In another past life I was a unit manager for a Colgate-Palmolive Co. named Princess House. 100% commission with a 5% override on what your team sold.  On a good night or weekend you helped the hostess: prepare spiked sherbet punch, have fun with family and friends, and receive $300.00 (in 1980’s dollars) in free beautiful crystal products.  Other times, I helped new distributors do the same thing for their hostess.
My point, yes, there is one to the story so stay with me please. At first, to be a successful distributor, it is your family and friends that get you started. I’m asking you to help me get my blog off and running by sharing my link -
Yes, it’s a Public Relations & Social Media 495 – Special Topics class for fall 2011 only – ya, ya.
I see how it can be more with your help.
Blog post #4 – The Millennium Quiz -
I scored an 86 out of a 100 which goes to show age is a state of mind.  I am sure many who know me would not be surprised  at my score as I am an absolute adolescent some days. lol. I'd say I missed a 100 due to my having read a newspaper in the last 24 hours. lol x 2
The demographics associated with the quiz were definitely interesting and easy to read. A great resource site.
Oh, did I mention that at La Petite France located at 967 Farmington Ave., in West Hartford you can get delicious, fresh breakfast and lunch options starting at $4.00?
Oh, and the window treatment looks good enough to eat.
Speaking of Halloween – it is written that the veil is at its thinnest on the eve of October 31st, All Hollowed Eve, and a time to commune with and commemorate your ancestors.  So don’t forget to have a candy bar for Gramps.  I know I won’t.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ok - here we are at post #3 - a response to the question - "can the Social Media ideas for non-profits we have been studying in class be used for for-profits as well?"

If you are tuning in for the first time this blog has been created as a part of my Public Relations & Social Media Special Topics course #495 offered at CCSU and taught by Prof. Ismeal L. Mendel, PhD.

Thankfully this is a highly experiential class and the expectations for the course include being creative and "hands on" - this is my first blog attempt.  Here is your chance to showing Loving Kindness.


So, here I go again - before I worked in the field of IT Education I worked in the fields of Sales & Marketing in numerous capacities.  One of my positions was Marketing Specialist, which can encompass alot.  The dates were late 1980s to the mid - 1990s and even though computers were mainly used as data bases and a means to take an order, we were a primarily direct order house, the principals of promotion have stayed the same.

A non-profit needs brand recognition, so does the for-profit; a non-profit needs a consumer base, as does the for-profit; a non-profit needs to grow to stay current and viable, just like the for -profit; and both need to attract a talented workforce.  These needs, and more, are common to both the non and the for profit.

We have seen already in this course the exponential growth in recognition both non-profits and for-profits can experience with the right Social Media solutions.
Well  - sounds of a throat clearing - once, then once again.  "Is my face red" I stated declaratively.

This post has to be post #2a because I only, maybe, partially answered post question #2 correctly. If you remember, in post #2 I boasted about my background in IT Education from back in the 1990s and into the early 21st century. I seem to remember mentioning having seen the coming of Facebook.

For this, I can't even blame the caffeine.

Well - I didn't feel that solid in my answer but at the time I must have felt solid enough to make the post.  That was until I got to class and took a closer look at my notes.  Wow - not even close.
It's Tweeter *%#! not Facebook.

I never saw Tweeter coming. Ok, I never saw Facebook coming either, at least not specifically.  I never even saw a way you could track tweets coming but I knew someone would find a way to make money from all the info being stored on all those servers.
I have a Tweeter account and have for maybe close to a year. I have Tweeter for Dummies but haven't used either one.  No one Tweets me, I wonder why.

So here goes Post #2a - first, I have mixed emotions about the type and amount of tweets' data needed to create the tweets usage map shown to us in class. 
Although I did find it fascinating to see the similarities in behaviors of people from different parts of the world. It was as if I was watching a worldwide human pulse as the images on the screen grew larger and smaller, darker or lighter, depending on the Tweeter usage around the world.

As a means of understanding the emotional aspects of people using Tweeter, based on time of day, day of the week, and the context of the message this information could be good research material for the Social Sciences, such as Sociology.  As an American citizen keen on Privacy I always feel uncomfortable signing my personal privacy away to use a product - no matter how cool and versatile it may be. 

So no, I didn't specifically see Facebook or Tweeter coming but I certainly was part of  conversations focused on the hopes and the fears that the collectivism of the Internet could bring.
Anyone read a Brave New World recently?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello and welcome back!

I'm starting to feel the wind in my hair as though I was running with the White Queen on the chessboard, running faster and faster ....... whew, sorry, not sure if it's the caffeine or the excitement of doing something new (at least for me) - probably a bit of both.

Except for becoming a follower of myself and not yet, having figured out how to make myself go away I feel I am catching on to the functionality of the blog.

My second assignment for the Public Relations & Social Media (PRSM) class is to blog on the statistics shown to us in class on 10/3.

I was surprised by some of the statistics but not really.  For me the surprise really was that I was surprised at all.  The internet and Facebook has been growing expediently.  As one who worked in the field of IT education from 1995 to 2001 this is what was expected of the internet; it is amazing and a little overwhelming to see it as a pie chart that encompasses the world (minus Africa).  lol
Facebook has also grown expediently and continues to do so in new and unexpected ways.
Can anyone say HBO.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hello and hello again - wow, what a long hard road it has been to post to my blog.
As a first time blogger I am just thrilled to find a page with a publish button!

My first assignment in my Public Relations and Social Media class is to set up a blog and post on the new Facebook privacy settings.
Did it, did it and here it is.

I found some of the Facebook privacy settings to be of interest. I found the information about being tagged and who can then see your account helpful, as well as how to chose an audience for my postings. This exercise made me very aware of how much I have taken for granted about Facebook and just how complacent I have been about a very public profile of myself.

As one working in the fields of domestic and sexual violence I feel these new privacy setting options will be of value to victims/survivors of dv and sa and their families.

I did disable the following two functions:

Invitations to participate in research about Facebook and weekly website updates for admins

I am concerned that the invitation would be generated based on mined info and that the weekly updates to admins is also a data mining function. It may be pie in the sky to think I can limit such activities but I can try at least.

Also, looking at the privacy settings prompted me to reset my security settings.

May all sentient beings know Peace,
